Love, Joy, Peace...
Tell us more, we would love to know you!

Use this form to update your personal details including names, address, birthdays etc.

Providing your personal details helps us build a stronger church community, getting to know and serve each other better. Please complete the following fields, then click Submit.

I am a:
First Time Guest
Second Time Guest
Regular Attender
First Name (Required)
Enter your First name or Preferred first name
My Decision Today: I want to...
Let us know if you made a decision today or if you want us to follow-up with you.
Commit my life to Jesus
Get baptized
Renew my commitment to Christ
Become a member
Join a small group
Speak with a pastor
Join a Volunteer team
Questions? Comments?
Your Phone Number
Age Group
Emergency Contact
In the event of an emergency, who do we contact? Phone number?
Allergies or Medical Info
What is your T-Shirt Size?
Extra Large
Your Address
Prayer Requests
How can we pray for you?
TREM Calgary - City of God
20, Sherwood Circle NW,, Calgary, AB T3R 1R2
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